11620 N. Florida Ave., Tampa, FL 33612 

Phone: 813-777-3437     Email: info@boydclocks.com      web: www.boydclocks.com

Our Specialties

Clock Repair Tampa, St. Petersburg

Clock Restoration

Grandfather Clock Service

Clock Sales (Cuckoo and Antique)

Serving Tampa since 1944.

​Celebrating 75 years


80​ Years​​

​​since 1944

11620 N. Florida Ave., Tampa, FL 33612

Phone: 813-777-3437

Email: info@boydclocks.com

Web: www.boydclocks.com

NEW Store Hours

11 am to 5 pm, Tue. thru Fri.

11 am to 1 pm, Saturday

Closed Sunday & Monday

 "The clock was acquired at the NAWCC Southeastern Regional event in Lakeland in 2018.  It may be described as a "Frieseland Kortstaartklok met Automata", a 30 hour clock made in the Netherlands.  The movement is stamped "1819" and this is presumed to be the date of manufacture.  The initials "P K" accompany the presumed date and likewise are assumed to be the initials of the maker.  The mechanism is clearly pre-industrial era, with scribe marks on the wheels and hand tooling marks in evidence throughout. 
The clock has at least three unique features: 1) It features two separate chimes which strike at the top of the hour and repeat the strike at the bottom of the hour using two different bells to differentiate.  The quarter hour is struck using a high chime, while the three quarter hour is struck with the same, more sonorous, bell that is used to strike the hour.  2) Four painted horsemen ride when the clock strikes, providing considerable entertainment value. 3) the clock has an alarm function that will wake even the soundest sleeper. 

 The odd striking sequence is the most intriguing aspect of the clock, the likes of which have not been encountered by the owner previously."

I can continue to search on who PK might have been, but it will not likely be very accurate unless I can get one of the horological museums in the Netherlands to verify same."

(Reprinted with the permission of Collector Bill Kearns)

Clock of the Month September - October

Friesland Kortstaarklok met Automata​ Circa 1819