11620 N. Florida Ave., Tampa, FL 33612 

Phone: 813-777-3437     Email: info@boydclocks.com      web: www.boydclocks.com

80​ Years​​

​​since 1944

11620 N. Florida Ave., Tampa, FL 33612

Phone: 813-777-3437

Email: info@boydclocks.com

Web: www.boydclocks.com

NEW Store Hours

11 am to 5 pm, Tue. thru Fri.

11 am to 1 pm, Saturday

Closed Sunday & Monday

We  make house calls on Grandfather Clocks.

To make an appointment for Grandfather Clock Service please call: David Boyd at 813-368-7862

Boyd Clocks in Tampa  repairs large clocks

Grandfather clock repair

Grandmother clock repair

Tall case Clock repair 

Long case Clock repair

Boyd Clocks Clock Repair Tampa Fl

House Calls

We make house calls to service Tall Case, Grandfather, Grandmother and other large clocks that are difficult to transport.  These are by appointment only.  A Local service call is $195. To schedule a house call please call David Boyd at 813-368-7862.  A mileage charge will be added to all service calls outside the local area.  We have Specialized in grandfather, tall case and long case clock repair and restoration in Tampa for over 75 years.

Boyd Clocks repair tampa fl

Boyd Clocks clock restoration tampa fl

Our Specialties

Clock Repair Tampa, St. Petersburg

Clock Restoration

Grandfather Clock Service

Clock Sales (Cuckoo and Antique)

Serving Tampa since 1944.

​Celebrating 75 years